Monday, November 17, 2014

Daily Habits of Happy People: Week 7

Read previous Daily Habits posts.


"I will not wait until I'm convinced I will succeed." 

Do you have a manuscript sitting in a desk drawer, waiting for submission or publication, until you're sure you'll get a contract? Have you put off starting a new business until you are certain it will be a success? Have you delayed waiting to ask out that boy or girl because you're not convinced they'll say "yes"? If you have a valid reason for waiting, then don't let anyone, including yourself, push you before you're ready. But if you're waiting because you're afraid of the unknown, it's time to try. You can't succeed at anything until you at least try, and once you do take a chance, you might surprise even yourself.

"I will not talk behind another person's back."

We've all done it. So and so did this, or guess what happened to her boyfriend, or did you hear about his sister? Sure, there are times when talking about someone out of concern for a friend's welfare, or the love of a family member who you don't want to see hurt, might be necessary, but there's a narrow path, and it's easy to veer off. Words are beautiful, but how we use them can determine whether or not they remain beautiful or turn into something ugly. We can always remember our childhood advice about "Sticks and Stones," or we can simply ask ourselves if we'd like the subject of our discussion to talk about us in the same manner.

Photo Credit: Bill Gracey via photopin cc