Given a
chance at freedom for a crime he didn't commit, Drew Carson must kill for his
pardon. Taken to a lush valley where a beautiful woman lives, Luke, Drew's
"rescuer", lets him know that the woman is his target--kill her, and
he's a free man. But there's something strange about the valley. Time stands
still, and nothing is as it seems. Will Drew trade murder for love?
Publisher: Prairie Rose Publications
Publication Date: October 19, 2015
Length: 55 pages
Available at: Amazon
Q&A with Angela Raines
In 250 words or less, what can you tell us about your
newest release?
“Angel of Salvation Valley” arrived in my mind after
thinking about my years as a counselor in juvenile detention. Some of those juveniles
ended up in the adult system. What if someone was incarcerated and no one knew
they were there.
I also have two cats who keep me sane, at least in my mind.
From there the 'what if' came as angels as animals. Add a 'man' posing as the
devil who for a price will get the 'hero' out of jail and the story was off and
running. Add research on history, some
Colorado mountains and a women who may or may not save him and you have the
novella “Angel of Salvation Valley”.
I was a loner as a child, always had my nose in a book. At
the same time, I was the actor who loved to be on the stage entertaining
everyone. I started writing plays and poetry at a early age. I also did my
first public performance at two and a half, singing 'I'm a little tea pot'.
I've played piano, composed music, written plays and directed stage shows and a
movie. (A short one, but did get IMBd credit) So I guess you could say, I've
done what I set out to do as a child. I give my parents credit, they always
told me I could do anything then let me do it.
What type of hero do you like best?
I like both my hero and heroine to be people who
overcome whatever life throws at them with grit and grace. Redemption plays a
big part in the lives of my characters. I also prefer they live life instead of
life living them.
How much research do you do?
My life is spent in research. I am endlessly fascinated by people
and how they lived. In addition to the “Angel” which is a Western Historical, I
also write and research the Medieval Age to find pieces for the short stories I
write in that historical period. In addition, there is an ongoing research
project on Women Doctors in Colorado prior to 1900, and there were more than
anyone realizes.
What is your favorite quote?
Almost anything by Mark Twain or Marcus Aurelius, but the one I
have next to my computer now is from Neil Gaiman:
“The main rule of writing is that if you do it with enough
assurance and confidence, you're allowed to do whatever you like.”
Excerpt from Angel of Salvation Valley
"I didn't hold up any stage, I didn't
kill anyone, so how could I be drunk while committing the crime?" Drew
"Never mind. Are you willing to take
the job so you can get out of here?" Luke asked, staring into Drew's eyes.
Drew felt uncomfortable with that stare.
Still he hesitated. He'd never killed anyone, unless in self defense. But if
someone as evil as this woman was needed killing, he would trade her life for
his freedom.
Breathing deeply, Drew slowly nodded his
"Fine, you made a good choice,"
Luke said. "I'll let you know within the next two days when you will walk
out of here," Luke moved to knock on the cell door. "After all, it
took ten years to hunt you down," Luke whispered.
Drew moved to shake the hand Luke offered,
wondering what Luke was mumbling. Still, when Drew took the hand firmly in his
own hardened one, he was surprised at how smooth the skin was. It'd been years
since he felt something so smooth, but there was also heat and strength behind
the grip. A small fissure of pain traveled up his arm as Luke broke off the
handshake, a tightening in his scalp.
The Author
Angela Raines, has storytelling
in her blood. She began teaching her first writing and acting workshop at the age of 16. Even before
that she would write and produce plays for the neighborhood with the curtain a
blanket hung on the clothesline. IN 1997 she wrote and performed a one-woman
show, “Sarah - 1897”. Her writing practice consists of publishing a haiku with
one of her photos Monday through Friday.
She is a member of Women Writing the West, Pikes Peak Writers and the
Pikes Peak Posse of the Westerners. She also loves the joys of improvisational
writing, and practices every Thursday, weather permitting with other like mined