BJ: I have to admit
that after I finished my Winchester Ranch series, I thought there would never
be another family I would love as much. It was hard at first with the
Chisholms. They seemed too perfect – until I got to know them. J Now they are one
of my favorite families. And this last book is especially fun because the
killer is revealed!!
I usually fall in
love with my heroes as well as my villains because most of the time neither is
all good or all bad – just human – the villains with major flaws. This villain,
well, you’ll have to judge for yourself. Definitely an evil favorite.
But I have already
started another Whitehorse series. This one at the Sundown Stallion Station
introducing the McGraw family. I’m still getting to know them, but I can tell I
already like – and suspect – some of them.
MK: Will you share
with us a short preview of Wrangled?
BJ: Wrangled is
about vengeance and obsession. If you’ve ever been so hurt that you’ve thought
of getting even, then you will be able to relate to this story. In Wrangled,
Zane Chisholm is thrown together with a cowgirl from his past – after he
foolishly accepts a date with a complete stranger who shows up at his door.
When the mystery woman
disappears, Zane looks more than a little guilty. Only one person believes his
story, a cowgirl who used to have a crush on him when they were kids. But
Dakota Lansing has her own reasons for wanting to find the mystery woman.
Meanwhile back at
the Chisholm Cattle Company ranch, the killer gets even closer to Emma
Chisholm, the family matriarch, before the series ends and the villain is
MK: You have more
than 60 books under your belt – out of those do you, or have you ever had a
favorite? Is so, which one and why?
BJ: It’s funny,
your favorite is always the one you’re working on. But Gun Shy Bride is very
special to me. I think that is when I really cut loose and began to write what
I wanted to. I loved Deputy McCall Winchester from the moment she stepped on
the page. She was raised by a single mother who has a reputation around town
and trouble telling the truth.
McCall also has an
entire family who refuses to acknowledge her existence. She has lost the man
she loves (or at least thinks she has) and yet she is strong and determined,
chin up, ready to take on the world. I love her. She is now sheriff and a
reoccurring character in my Whitehorse, Montana series. I also love that she
was on the cover rather than the hero. J
MK: Do you have a favorite character in the
Chisholm Cattle Company series? Who and why?
BJ: Now I’m going
to get in trouble. My favorite is my villain. As I was writing this book, I
thought about what it must be like to want something so badly that it takes
over your life. It becomes an obsession, one that you will do anything for.
I get pretty
single-minded some times with my writing. It becomes all consuming. When you
spend a lot of hours alone plotting, that other world outside your door becomes
less real, so I can relate with my villain.
I love villains who
are human, who could have chosen another life, one that would have made them
happier – but didn’t. There are also some people that you can’t love enough.
They are like a bottomless well. So what happens when they realize you can
never love them enough?
MK: I sometimes like the villains too! What has been
your greatest challenge as a writer? Have you been able to overcome it?
BJ: The challenge
is going to the computer every day, sitting your behind down and writing. There
are some days when I’d rather clean the toilets. And there is always a point in
every story where I get stuck.
I’m an organic
writer (seat of the pants writer). I never know what is going to happen or what
the story is about until I just sit down and start that first page. So when I
get stuck, I don’t want to face the computer.
But I have learned
to take a day off. Just one and do something fun. I do my best thinking on the
road. So I will get in my car and head for the nearest fabric store (an hour
away). On the way, I usually figure out my plot and have to pull over and write
it down.
Writing is hard
work, the hardest job I’ve ever had and I’ve had some dandies. So making
yourself write when the muse has deserted you is what keeps you published. But
there are days… J
MK: What has been
your greatest pleasure since that first book was published?
BJ: Getting to keep
doing this. I love what I do. The stories are just waiting to be told. I love
the characters and getting to tell their stories. They always surprise me.
I write what is
called romantic suspense but actually I write mysteries and the way I do it is
I make everyone a suspect. I never know who is guilty until the very end of the
book so then it is a surprise for me as well as the reader. Most every
character has something to hide so it is easy to make everyone a little guilty.
MK: On your website, there’s a photograph of you
with a rifle at the ready (common here in Montana). What other non-writing
pastimes do you enjoy?
BJ: We have a lake
close by and I love spending summer mornings on the water in the boat fishing
or just daydreaming. It just gets the creative juices going. I also love to
travel, play tennis, quilt and bake. I have a great quilt group with lots of
creative fun women. The baking I could probably do a lot less of, actually.
MK: I hear you on the baking! How has living
in Montana influenced your writing? Are all of your books set there?
BJ: I have a friend
who once said that the romances in my books are really with Montana. We moved
here when I was five and I fell in love with the state. Most of my books are
set here because Montana is like another character. It is a wild and often
dangerous place because of the weather and terrain. You can get lost in Montana
and never see another soul for days. There are so few places like that in the
lower 48. So it is as much a part of my books as the plot.
MK: You have quite
a year ahead of you, with multiple releases in 2012. Can you give the readers a
glimpse of what they can expect to read this year?
BJ: For the first
time, I have written a single title book, UNFORGIVEN, which will be out in
December. I started the year with an anthology, ICE LAKE, with my fellow
Intrigue writers and friends Julie Miller and Delores Fossen. In March,
CORRALLED, the fourth book in the Whitehorse: Chisholm Cattle Company series,
came out. That series ends in June with WRANGLED.
In October, the
long-awaited sequel to CRIME SCENE AT CARDWELL RANCH will hit the shelves.
JUSTICE AT CARDWELL RANCH is for all those readers who want to know what
happened to Dana Cardwell’s siblings. Of course there will be lots of trouble.
There always is at Cardwell Ranch. J
comes out in December, I have another single title tentatively scheduled for
February that I am working on now, then the next Whitehorse, Montana 6-book
series will begin with Sundown Stallion Station and the McGraws.
Also on the
horizon, are more CARDWELL RANCH books – at least four after the sequel.
So yes, I’m busy
but loving getting to tell all these stories.
Thank you so much
for having me on your blog and many thanks to all my wonderful readers. They
make all this possible.
Life out on the Chisholm Ranch was Never Dull
Dakota Lansing's impression, anyway. But she was always on the other
side of the fence, keeping her distance from Zach Chisholm, the cowboy
with a bad reputation. Now her family secrets are threatening to be
unearthed and she's afraid where they'll lead, especially if it means
setting foot on the Chisholm ranch....
With both their lives in jeopardy, Dakota is forced to admit Zach is her only hope of staying alive. Targeted by unknown assailants, Zach discovers his mysterious connection to Dakota is much bigger than either suspected. The feisty beauty is more than his match and is becoming harder to resist. With time running out, should he let her rope him in and go along for the ride?
With both their lives in jeopardy, Dakota is forced to admit Zach is her only hope of staying alive. Targeted by unknown assailants, Zach discovers his mysterious connection to Dakota is much bigger than either suspected. The feisty beauty is more than his match and is becoming harder to resist. With time running out, should he let her rope him in and go along for the ride?
Visit BJ at http://www.bjdaniels.com.
B.J.'s Chisholm Cattle Company series (there are 6 from which to choose)!
lucky readers will receive the Kindle book of your choice from this
series! Just enter below or comment with your email and book of choice! The series includes - Branded, Lassoed, Rustled, Stampeded, Corralled, and Wrangled.
Winner will be drawn on June 5th.
Read about the books here!
This giveaway is now closed! Congratulations Kimberly and Blake!
Winner will be drawn on June 5th.
Read about the books here!
This giveaway is now closed! Congratulations Kimberly and Blake!